

The easy way to pay for the best home inspections

When applying for financing to purchase a home, it is critical to keep your credit clean, and your bank account flush with cash. Every purchase on a credit card can affect your loan approval.

That’s why The Real Estate Inspection Company has introduced EscrowFlex. Our exclusive payment option which allows you to have the inspection fees billed to your escrow, so you have no out of pocket expenses, and no charges on your credit card during the approval process.

Preserve your cash and credit

EscrowFlex is an exclusive service from The Real Estate Inspection Company. Use this payment option on any home inspection service! There are no credit checks, no fees, or finance charges. 

Simply have your escrow details ready when booking your inspection. You’ll need:

  • The escrow company
  • The escrow officer’s name and contact info.
  • Your escrow number
EscrowFlex logo

The fine print

Here’s what you need to utilize EscrowFlex:

Give us a call to set up your inspection. Since there is no cash out-of-pocket, be sure to add the service you want to get the complete picture of the condition of the home you are buying. That can include a sewer scope evaluation, a Wildfire Risk Assessment, a pool inspection, a guest/ADU inspection, mold testing, etc. 

Once you have selected the services you need, ask to use EscrowFlex for the payment. We will need to keep a backup form of payment on file. This is done in the form of a credit card. It will only be charged if we don’t get paid by escrow within 30 days. 

Why does this happen?

The escrow can be delayed if there are repairs to be made, there is a problem with financing, you change your mind about the house, the escrow gets cancelled, or the escrow company fails to pay us upon the close of escrow.


  • EscrowFlex is available for residential inspections of single-family, condo, or townhouse inspections only. 
  • The combined fees must not exceed $2,500.
  • Escrow must close within 30 days or the backup payment will be charged.
  • The backup payment method will be charged in the escrow cancels for any reason.