Don’t Waste Money on an Alarm System
DIY Alarm System vs. National Alarm Companies
Congratulations on your new home. There’s a lot for you to do, and if a security system is on your priority list, here is some important information to help save you money. First of all, be prepared to be inundated by door-to-door sales people who will try to sell you everything from solar to yard service. You’ll also be hit up to get a security system. Here’s how it usually works, and how you can save a lot of money. You will be promised a free system and free installation. Sounds great, right? But you will also get locked into a typical 3 year contract ranging from $60 to well over $100 per month depending on things like how many cameras you want, how big your house is, etc. You’ll end up paying for your system many times over throughout the years. In this video, I’ll walk you through how to install your own system. It is so easy! You can build the exact system you want, and save a ton of money on monitoring fees with zero commitment. Even if your house is pre-wired with sensors, I’ll show you hav to utilize those with a DIY system.Here’s a link to the Ring system shown in the video. I’ve installed several systems, and I really like the Ring system. It integrates with your Amazon account, can connect with your garage door, entry locks, lights, cameras, flood sensors and more.
This version includes a few great features such as a battery backup, cellular back up if your wi-if goes down, and on-board video storage. The included eero router is easy to set up and secure.
This is a great starter kit, but does not include a few great features such as on-device video storage.
Rest assured that all product recommendations are based on personal experiences and real world experience. We would never endorse a product or service that we wouldn’t invest in ourselves, and in the best interest of the readers is always primary in any review.