QR codes. What they are, and how they can help sell houses
This is an older article we posted, but it is very useful for real estate agents. If you are one of those agents interested in the latest technology to market yourself, QR codes could give you an advantage over other agents in your area. QR codes are cell phone readable bar codes that can store URL’s, contact info, phone numbers, etc. “QR” stands for
Scan this QR code to see our video on your smartphone
Quick Results. They are a simple way to link offline printed material to online content with the least effort. The funny looking image is a smartphone readable link to web content. In other words, just like a barcode is translated by computer to a number, QR codes have a website embedded into the image. Instead of typing in a long website address, the image can be scanned in an instant and the user directed right to your content on the internet.
Imagine a potential buyer out gathering flyers on a Sunday afternoon. They see a QR code on your flyer or sign and scan it with their free QR reader app. It takes them straight to your virtual tour where you end with an invitation to show them the house – all while they are standing in the driveway!
Go to your phone right now and find a QR code reader, then scan the code above. (There are stand-alone apps that read QR codes. There is also a QR code reader built into the free Starbucks(r) app.) The code at right will link you to our TV commercial. Just start the app, then point your smartphone camera at the QR code on the screen.
Think of all the places these can be used; post cards, flyers, business cards, and yard signs. Put it on your business cards to link your Facebook page. There are even a companies that will print shirts and temporary tattoos!
Here is a link to a simple QR Code ganerator that you can use for free. It generates an image which you can save to your computer. You can use QR Codes to embed nearly any information such as a URL, contact info, email address, etc. Be sure to test the image before printing thousands of flyers. You should include a link or web address of a reader for your clients so they can easily find one.
History of the QR Code
QR-Codes first hit mainstream when they were initially used for tracking parts by vehicle manufacturers. After a while, companies began to see the scope for where QR-Codes could be used elsewhere within the world. The most commercial use for QR-Codes is in the telecommunications industry where the mobile phone seems to be the biggest driver of their popularity.
The codes have been around since the mid 1990’s in Japan, and then made their way to Europe. They are just starting to get used in the U.S. Advertisers use QR codes so that people can quickly scan an advertisement on a bus, a store window, or magazine ads and be taken directly to online content.
QR-Codes are capable of handling of sorts of data, including numbers, alphabetic characters, Kanji, Kana, Hiragana, symbols, binary, and control codes.
A total of 7,089 characters can be encoded in one symbol alone.
QR-Code Data Capacities
Numeric only
Max 7,089 characters
Max 4,296 characters
Binary (8 bits)
Max 2,953 bytes
Kanji, full-width Kana
Max 1,817 characters
So next time you see one of these codes you’ll know what they are. You’ll see them all over magazine ads, in store windows, and even on buses and billboards. Please feel free to pass this on to your colleagues or re-post.
About the author: Philippe Heller is the President of The Real Estate Inspection Company, the largest private home inspection company in San Diego. The company uses state-of-the-art testing equipment and is a leader in the industry. Be sure to subscribe to the blog on the site, or “like” their Facebook Page.
Philippe HellerCEO
Philippe Heller started The Real Estate Inspection Company in 2004 after a really poor home inspection on his own house. He applied his background in technology to build an innovative, industry-leading company. Working for SDG&E, GE Power Systems, Cox Communications and Time Warner Communications taught him a lot about technology, quality, and customer service. These traits are passed on to all of the employees in the company.