
Tips and Tricks for California Home Inspections and Repairs

No matter how hot the housing market is, The Real Estate Inspection Company always recommends getting a home inspection. At the same time, you should know those home inspections don’t capture every issue in a house. Fortunately, you can use a tool to help address the items an inspection report captures to make life easier. Keep reading to discover more about home inspections and repairs for your next home purchase. Tips and Tricks for California Home Inspections and Repairs

What To Expect From Other Home Inspection Companies

The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors (InterNACHI) defines home inspections as “non-invasive physical examination”. It’s important for home buyers to understand that home inspections provide an overview, not a detailed analysis of every aspect. In other words, inspectors review what they can on the day of the inspection. They perform a non-exhaustive visual inspection of accessible systems to give buyers a general idea of the home’s condition. They cannot predict the future performance of any system but will identify the approximate age so that buyers can budget accordingly for service and/or replacement.

Moreover, home inspections are not code inspections. In other words, they don’t cite the building code as they change every few years, and researching which codes apply would be extremely time-consuming. Rather, they provide an overall evaluation of each system and report on any safety issue or malfunction. Finally, inspectors cannot make recommendations about whether or not to buy a home. However, they do provide a report that may include recommendations for further evaluations or follow-up contractors.

What To Expect From The Real Estate Inspection Company

During the inspection, most inspectors observe and test only the visual and accessible systems. These systems may include HVAC, roofing, the home’s exterior, etc. The inspector determines what to review depending on variable factors, such as weather, accessibility, and other elements outside their control. Therefore, the findings depend on the inspector’s ability to adequately access, test, and inspect every system.

The Real Estate Inspection Company does its best to exceed expectations. For example, we perform aerial roof inspections using drones with high-resolution cameras to inspect roofs on multi-storied homes. We also include thermal imaging with every inspection to find plumbing leaks, evaluate the HVAC system, and detect electrical overloads. In addition to aerial roof inspections and thermal imaging, we also do a Visual Mold Assessment at each and every inspection. Most companies offer these services as add-ons. We include them.

How To Handle Issues on Your Inspection Report

After the inspection is complete, you’ll receive the home inspection report and an available repair estimate. The report will include a link to TheQwikFix, which is our partner company that provides estimates. Simply save the inspection report as a pdf, set up a profile on TheQwikFix website, and upload the report. Within 24 hours, you’ll receive a response with a full quote, which means you don’t have to worry about dealing with multiple contractors. Even better, the same process applies to both home sellers and buyers. And repairs can be billed to escrow.

Homeowner Services in San Diego County and Beyond

The Real Estate Inspection Company provides home inspections and repairs and other inspection services for San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County. Request a quote online or call (800) 232-5180 to see how we can help you.
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Aaron Shishilla