
What Is An AB-38 Inspection and Why It Matters

In California, AB-38 requires a disclosure form for residential homes built before January 1, 2010, and located in high or very-high Fire severity zones. The disclosure requires inspecting the home’s exterior to identify any potential fire hazards. The inspection’s documentation must be captured in the California Home Fire Hardening and Defensible Space disclosure form and included in a home’s sale paperwork. This post further explains why you should choose The Real Estate Inspection Company for your inspection.

What An AB-38 Inspection Is and Why It Matters

AB-38 Legislation

The AB-38 legislation identifies whether you have a “defensible space” around your home to protect against fire. This is important to homeowners because it can help prevent or slow down wildfire spread. If your home is within 1,000 feet of a wildland area, it’s essential to make sure you’re compliant.

While fire danger affects most of California, certain features make specific areas even more dangerous. The guidelines require real estate sellers living in high danger zones to provide documentation showing it meets particular criteria.  

AB-38 Inspections

During an AB-38 inspection, the inspector will visually inspect the home’s exterior, looking for things like overgrown vegetation, combustible materials near the house, and a lack of defensible space. The responsible party must then mitigate any identified risks, which may include removing trees and other actions.

Why An AB-38 Inspection Matters

If you plan to sell your home, we strongly encourage you to get a defensible home inspection and a pre-listing inspection. These inspections identify potential fire hazards and inform you what steps to take to address any issues before putting your home on the market. Doing so can help speed up the sale process and reduce fire hazards after the sale. Moreover, lack of compliance can result in fines and penalties of up to $1,000 per violation.

Choosing a Reputable Company

When choosing a company to conduct your home’s inspection, it’s important to do your research. Ask for references from past clients, and read reviews online to better understand what to expect. Look for insured companies with a guarantee of their work, and make sure they have a good reputation.

The Real Estate Inspection Company has provided thousands of inspections in San Diego County, Orange County, and Riverside County since 2004. In addition to defensible space inspections, we also offer buyer home inspections, mold inspections, and more. Call (800) 232-5180 to learn more. 

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Aaron Shishilla